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I’m a huge fan of the foodie blog community and a while back I stumbled across this beautiful video. Food writer and blogger, Jennifer Perillo’s husband (Mikey) had just passed away, and to celebrate his life Jennie asked her friends from the foodie community to make Mike’s favourite Creamy Peanut Butter Pie, and share with people they love. On her blog www.injennieskitchen.com she wrote:
‘As I spend Friday reflecting on the love and life that was gone in an instant, I'd like to invite all of you to celebrate his life too. Mikey loved peanut butter cream pie. I haven't made it in a while, and I've had it on my to-do list for a while now.
I kept telling myself I would make it for him tomorrow. Time has suddenly stood still, though, and I'm waiting to wake up and learn to live a new kind of normal. For those asking what they can do to help my healing process, make a peanut butter pie this Friday and share it with someone you love. Then hug them like there's no tomorrow because today is the only guarantee we can count on’.
The response and out pouring of love was moving beyond words, there are hundreds of ‘pie posts’ from across the world. I’m certain nothing at that time would have eased Jennie’s pain, but the ripple effect of love she created, would have in some small way, brought her much comfort. Brings a lump to my throat every time I watch - Judge for yourselves…….. I’m off to bake a pie x