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I don’t know about you guys, but the slow, easy, loveliness, between Christmas and the New Year, has me feeling so creative and motivated. It’s as if, because we’ve got all this free time to lounge around and just hang out, your mind goes to stuff that makes you really, really happy; and, for me, that’s organising and de-cluttering. I know, I know, but rearranging your sweater drawer can be very therapeutic, and a welcome break from a box set and tub of Quality Street. Because it’s a sort of mindless job, you can fold/store/throw and be thinking ahead to your summer vacation, or your blogging goals; or your bucket list for the next 12 months (do people really have those?). Also, I’m getting really creative with how I arrange my closet (anyone one else get ridiculous happy about colour co-ordinated t-shirts, hanging evenly in a row?).
Let’s face it, even if you are at work this week, everyone is still in full-on-holiday mode; and even if you’re perched at your desk, you’re more likely to be browsing Pinterest than spread sheets. For those of us lucky to be at home, and a bit more switched off for the last few days of the year, we’re likely thinking about our 2017 goals. As one year draws to a close, and another lingers tantalisingly on the horizon, time to reflect has been a welcome gift... from me to me, with love. I’ve relished the Holiday Season break. It provided me with time to switch off, recharge the creative batteries, and think about where the blog and I would like to journey, next year. Whether you’re the type of person who picks one resolution, and dedicates all her energy to it, or the girl who writes down three to five resolutions, to keep in mind throughout the year, I encourage you all to add one more thing to your list: keep setting goals.
This is the time of year when many of us feel most motivated; but, as we all know, life tends to get in the way. Don’t be discouraged if some of your resolutions don’t make it to St. Patrick’s Day. After all, you tried something new and learned something about yourself; and remember, January 1st isn’t the only day you can turn over a new leaf. Maybe it makes more sense to launch your business - travel or start your blog - in April; or free-time in summer may be more convenient, for learning that new language. Make 2017 your best year ever, by coming back and reviewing your goals frequently; then feel free to adjust as needed.
So, the New Year is almost upon us - cheers to that - and my wish for each of us is very simple; it's this:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and crazy-good opportunities. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful; don't forget to buy flowers! Write or draw or build or sing or live, as only you can. Drink champagne and dance on tables; and I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you so much for reading my blog, whether you check in every week or now and again. I can’t tell you how much I adore my readers and how grateful I am for all your support. Have fun, enjoy your New Year’s celebration - see you next year!